Best GitHub Profile Generator, Write a Good README File for Your GitHub.

Menisha Myelwaganam
4 min readSep 5, 2022


Best GitHub Profile Generator , Write a Good README File for Your GitHub.

Why GitHub profile important for a developer?

That’s why we created a GitHub profile to showcase our work and connect with other developers. Through GitHub links, you can learn how to use new technologies firsthand or inquire about job openings.

Programmers can write code and build projects for repositories they don’t own because of GitHub’s collaborative features. All developer-written code, however, is kept on GitHub in each developer’s individual profile. A solid GitHub profile serves as an application in virtual form.

How to Write a Good README File for Your GitHub Project?

Here’s a Sample Github profile Click Here

Choose your favorite Github profile readme generator. There are many readme generators online.

But as far as I know, I prefer to use GPRM to be cool and attractive because the README file created using it is more attractive than the others I have mentioned.

We have 7 important steps to create our profile using GPRM.

STEP 01: Create a User Name:

Here you use your Github username. Also click the next button.

STEP 02: Add a small introduction:

Give a short introduction about yourself. You can talk about your hobbies, your Work, your skills and your technical side.


🔭 I’m currently working on my Skills.
🌱 I’m currently learning more about Full-Stack Development.
🤔 I’m looking for help with Exploring New Technologies.
💬 Ask me about any tech-related stuff.
📫 How to reach me: Email -
😄 Pronouns: She
⚡ Fun fact: I Love to play pubg.

STEP 03: Flex your GitHub Stats:

Flex your GitHub Stats

STEP 04: Add Your Social Links:

Here I have to add your social media details (Profile Links or User name).

Add Your Social Links

STEP 05: Add Tech that you uses:

We have to post the details of the languages we have learned and mastered. LANGUAGES, HOSTING/SaaS, FRAMEWORKS, PLATFORMS & LIBRARIES, SERVERS, DATABASES, DESIGN Tools and ML/DL.

Add Tech that you uses

STEP 06: Let People Help You via Donations:

Let People Help You via Donations

STEP 07: Additional Stuffs to add:

Here Randomly, GitHub Trophies, Visitors Count, Random Dev Quotes, Random Memes will be generated.

Additional Stuffs to add

Now go ahead and copy the code. Code will be generated for the part we are creating. We can set this as per our wish.

After we have created everything in GPRM.. Create a new repository on Github. Go into your repositories page. We will create a repository by clicking on the new. Then in this place i’m going to type the same username that i have for my github account.

That’s the repository that we’re going to create. Is a special repository. You can add a readme to your github profile, make sure it’s public and initialize it to readme and I am going to put a license or whatever it is and then create a repository..

create a repository

Then click edit. It has a template there already Hi There 👋. then paste our code.

Click the commit changes button.

commit changes button.

Congratulations!! 🎉🎉

Now you have a Github Profile.



Menisha Myelwaganam
Menisha Myelwaganam

Written by Menisha Myelwaganam

Software Engineer | AWS Education | IEEE Student Ambassador | Blogger | Stackoverflower | LinkedIn Student Learn Ambassador

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